Arkansas Narcotic Officer’s Association
Spring Conference
May 20 – 23, 2025
Hot Springs, Arkansas

The Mission of the Arkansas Narcotic Officers Association is to unite police officers and other law enforcement professionals who share a common interest in drug enforcement, in a collaborative effort to reduce the supply and demand of illicit drugs and illegally diverted legal drugs by providing quality training, to provide a medium for the exchange of information and to keep the membership and the public informed of current statute changes and judicial decisions.

- President: Chris Griggs, Mississippi Co SO/2nd DTF/ATF/TFO
- Vice-President: Mike Wallace, Retired
- State-Sgt.-At-Arms: Josh King, Retired
- Secretary / Treasurer: Robb Rounsavall, Mississippi Co. Sheriff’s Dept.
- Immediate Past President: Lyonette Hale, 15th Drug Task Force
- Past Presidents:
- Tony Hartwick, Vilonia Police Dept.
- Brandon Grimes, Retired
- Robb Rounsavall, Mississippi Co. Sheriff’s Dept.
- Wes Baxter, Jonesboro Police Dept., Retired
- Regional Board Director: Lee Freeman, Pine Bluff PD/DEA/TFO

- U of A Criminal Justice Institute
- Regional Organized Crime Information Center
- Arkansas Drug Director’s Office
- National Narcotic Officer’s Associations’ Coalition
- Regional Counterdrug Training Academy