Eligibility / Certification
Attendance is restricted to sworn law enforcement officers of local, state, federal, & tribal agencies, members of ANOA, prosecutors & deputies, including probation / parole, corrections, auxiliary / reserves, etc.
Application for up to 24 hours of certified training has been requested through the Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training (CLEST).
Class attendance will be mandatory in order to receive a certificate. Each class / sign-in roster will be monitored by ANOA staff. Certificates will be issued based on sign-in rosters. Copies of rosters will be made available to agency administrators / training officers upon request.
Conference Training
Class: “Introduction to Highway Interdiction”
Instructor: Dennis Overton, Arkansas State Police
Class: “Introduction to Dark Web”
Instructor: Wilton Cleveland, Memphis Police Department (retired)
Class: “Underfire”
Instructor: Nate Hutchinson, Salt Lake City Sherriff’s Department
Class: “Only 2 mg” (Fentanyl Presentation)
Instructor: Brian Townsend
Class: “Human Trafficking Investigations”
Instructor: Nicole King
In addition to a great a great meal, the banquet will include awards, door prices and guest speaks to be announced. The “Paduert / Evans Officer of the Year” and other special guests will also be recognized. You are encouraged to invite your spouse / significant other, supervisors, and administrators to attend. The cost for the banquet for one attendance is included in each conference fee. Tickets for additional guests are $45.00 each and may be purchased at registration. Business-casual attire is suggested for the banquet.